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Why Choose Stpauls

Why Choose Stpauls

St. Pauls sr. Sec. School ushers you to a future with limitless learning opportunities for every child. As a school, we believe in promoting the academic and social development of all students in a safe and friendly environment, teaching each child to be compassionate, to be respectful and to be responsible. The breadth of our curriculum and our wide range of facilities, which can be best compared with international standards, thus allow each child to explore his or her academic, sporting, cultural and personal potential to the fullest.

The school seeks to blend academics with practical knowledge in a unique ecosystem. This amalgamation will be synchronized with the values, which will transform each student into an asset for society. The curriculum has been designed to inculcate a multi-dimensional approach in problem solving through teamwork and research. We strongly believe that every student is unique in terms of creative talent, interests and inclination. Hence, our customized approach towards each student nurtures each child into a confident individual, capable of coping with the challenges of tomorrow.

For our team of able teachers, teaching and learning offer them numerous opportunities to focus on a number of ‘small things’ that culminate over time to produce students who are prepared to do the ‘great things’ in life. We view our parents as equal partners in providing children with meaningful educational experience; thus helping us in our mission to transform each child into a complete personality once the child steps out from the school to seek his or her rightful position in society.

Get In Touch

For any queries, feedback or to connect, please fill out the form below.

+91 -2974-225003, +919928400050 info@stpaulssrsecschool.org Arbuda Industrial Area, Gandhi Nagar, Abu Road,Dist. - Sirohi, Rajasthan:- 307026, India (305007)
"St. Paul's School is First C.B.S.E. English Medium School at Abu road"----------------"REGISTRATION OPEN FOR CLASSES NURSERY TO XII FOR THE SESSION 2025-2026"---------------------------"HURRY!!! LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE "