Hostel Life
The ‘Establishment’ hostels cater to both boys and girls, accommodating them in separate, well ventilated buildings. The facilities provided for boarding and lodging ensures a safe and comfortable stay of children. The dormitories are attached with box rooms, changing rooms and bath rooms with running hot and cold water. A lounge and recreation room with indoor games are also possessed by hostel.The clothes are washed in laundry, to maintain hygiene and disinfections. Each hosteller is given a comfortable and cozy bed, independent racks for clothes and shoes in use and a mini cupboard and shelves to secure toiletries, cream, oil, powder, brush, comb, books, stationery, tuck etc.
The younger children are helped by maid-servants and peons to keep their things in place, to tidy their racks, make their beds, polish shoes, dress up and get ready for games, studies, meals and school.
Boarders are well looked after individually and given personal attention by trained and experienced Matrons / Wardens / House Masters / House Mothers, who stay in the hostels with the children, day and night.
Reliable and caring maid-servants are on duty for the younger children to attend to them, if required, during nights.
We ensure personalized counseling to help children adjust to the demands of the school life and develop inter-personal relationships.
The school has a well-equipped kitchen with latest gadgets and is designed to maintain perfect hygiene and cleanliness. The food is cooked by qualified and trained chefs.Modern dining halls are manned by trained waiters. Considering the high standards of Nutrition and Catering laid down by St. Pauls Sr. Sec. School, both the kitchen and the dining halls are supervised and managed by trained and highly experienced catering managers.
The meals include fresh milk, cheese, variety of green vegetables, beans, cereals, rice, chapattis, desserts, puddings, porridges, ice-cream and a variety of fruits etc. with change of menu from time to time.
Besides breakfast, lunch and dinner, light and nutritious snacks are provided twice a day-before noon and in the evening at tea time.
With the regular Indian food, Continental, Chinese, South Indian and other types of foods are served, occasionally, to give children a change of taste.
The school term fee of boarders includes cost of all meals.
To take care of general health problems and meet injuries during games etc, it is compulsory for all the students to take regular vaccination and be covered by medical insurance.The school shall get every student medically insured and the cost will be borne by the parents/guardians. A panel of doctors is to visit the school for routine check-up of students and staff.
To attend to medical emergencies the school has the best specialists who may be available in time. The Medical Information Chart, as per the Rules and Regulations of the school, should be up-dated in the beginning of every term as soon as the child returns from vacations, so that the doctors take correct decisions during emergencies
Residential Life
Girls and boys reside in separate blocks located in the school campus where the residential life revolves around dormitories. Students are allotted dorms on the basis of their age and class.Student government at St. Pauls Sr. Sec. School involves a small group of student leaders, known as Prefects. Assisting the faculty in day-to-day governance of the school, the Prefects also help maintain order in the dorms. All students participate in periodic dorm cleanups. Every student also performs a daily “work-job,” for which assignments change every week. Students are given enough free time to pursue activities of personal interest. They are also given duties that teach the value of teamwork and discipline. The “work-job” program promotes a strong work ethic. On weekdays, academics dominate the schedule. However, ample time is set aside on weekends for fun and relaxation. On Saturday afternoons, students not involved in interscholastic sports can watch the games, become involved in one of many clubs, enjoy dorm life, or participate in off-campus activities. Students who remain on campus can enjoy many activities. Sunday is a day of rest in consideration of those who want to sleep in absolute quiet maintained throughout the dorms. Those who wish to attend local religious services will be accommodated. On Sunday a late breakfast is served. Sunday afternoons may involve a trip to a cultural event, going to a local movie theatre, or other group activities.
The school’s regular schedule resumes on Monday with morning exercise starting at 6:00 a.m. during summer and 6:30 a.m. during winter. *
1.Wake up 05.35 a.m. - 06.00 a.m.
2.Call by P.T.I. 06.00 a.m. - 06.30 a.m.
3.Bath,Change 06.30 a.m. - 07.00 a.m
4. Breakfast 07.00 a.m.- 07.35 a.m.
5.School Bell 07.45 a.m. - 07.55 a.m.
6.Lunch 01:45p.m. - 02.30 p.m.
7.Noon Prep 03.00 p.m. - 05.00 p.m.
8.Evening Tea 05.00 p.m. - 05.15 p.m.
9.Games 05.15 p.m. - 06.30 pm
10.Body Wash 06.30 p.m. - 06.45 p.m.
11.Prep 07.00 p.m. - 08.30 p.m.
12. Dinner 08.45 p.m. - 09.15 p.m.
13.Hostel Roll call 09.15 p.m. - 09.30 p.m.
14.T.V ( News) 09.30 p.m. - 09.45 p.m.
15.Lights off 10.00 p.m
The St. Paul’s Sr. Sec. School field has one of the biggest fields in a school compound in Abu Road.St. Paul’s Sr. Sec School has the first portable size basketball court in the entire distt.
St. Paul’s Sr. Sec School holds its annual sports day where students participate and win medals and certificated for their performance. The sports days are different for junior school and middle and senior school:
Junior School Events(Each class has different events):
Flat race
Fancy race(different for each class and depends upon the teachers for the theme of the race)Middle and Senior School(The events are dependent on the age of the participant)-The participant of the race is representing his respective house(Red, Blue, Green, Yellow) and not his class:
75m sprint
100m sprint
200m sprint
400m sprint
800m run
1000m run
Relay(inter-house) 4x100
Relay (Inter house) Medley
Long jump
Broad jump
High jump
Javelin throw
Short put
Tug Of War
We also boast of having one of the following in which any talented student can join:
Cricket Team
Football Team
Hockey Team
T.T Team
Rugby Team
Rowing Team
Basketball Team
Junior School Events(Each class has different events):
St. Pauls Sr. Sec. School is known for its annual function which occurs annually.1. School Dance Team
2. Quiz-Interclass and interschool
3. Chess Team
4. Debating Team