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Our Objective

Our Objective

Commitment to Quality Education

We at the Hahnemann Center for Heilkunst are committed to quality education and to a rewarding, creative and emancipating learning experience and environment. We have adopted the following eight-point plan to help ensure that this is realized (adopted from The Quality School, by William Glasser):

* Staff and students are partners in learning. The job of tutors is to assist the student in achieving a high level of knowledge and training. The job of the student is to constantly strive for the highest quality work under the guidance of the tutor.

* What is taught is necessary. There will be no superfluous material taught or tested for. Tutors will explain how everything that is taught is useful and necessary to a homeopathic education.

* There is an emphasis throughout on teaching the basic principles and knowledge needed as these are the skills that provide the foundation for practice. All students will work on these skills so that on graduation they are able to approach, analyze and manage cases at the indicated levels in a way they and the tutor agree is quality. Tutors are encouraged to add additional knowledge beyond that in the course material as they see fit.

* Students are encouraged to evaluate their own work for quality and to discuss with their tutors where the desired quality has not been met.

* Students are encouraged to bring material from their own experience and backgrounds to bear on the course material. They are encouraged to suggest ways in which their learning experience can be enhanced.

* As long as students wish to work to improve their grade, any grade can be raised. Students will be encouraged to keep working to the point where they and their tutor’s evaluation of what they have done reaches the level of quality.

* Students are to assign “homework” to themselves to learn more, to prepare for tests and to improve their understanding.

Get In Touch

For any queries, feedback or to connect, please fill out the form below.

+91 -2974-225003, +919928400050 info@stpaulssrsecschool.org Arbuda Industrial Area, Gandhi Nagar, Abu Road,Dist. - Sirohi, Rajasthan:- 307026, India (305007)
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